Snoring Vs. Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a condition characterized by noisy breathing during sleep, including snorting, choking, gasping, and even the sound of blocked airways. It’s also a significant symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).But are these two things one and the same? Before we go into this any further, let’s identify what exactly causes both conditions.


While most people think that snoring mainly comes from the nose, this is not always the case. Snoring is the sound that comes from the vibration of structures in the throat and mouth during breathing while lying down. The noise arises when a relaxed and narrowed airway at the back of your throat partially blocks airflow. This makes the walls of the throat to squeeze together and vibrate, causing snoring.However, it is essential to note that nasal congestion from a cold or allergies can worsen snoring. You can snore and not have sleep apnea. However, you can also have sleep apnea and not snore at all.

Sleep Apnea is Different From Snoring

Both sleep apnea and snoring can cause health problems. But, sleep apnea has long-term health consequences that snoring does not. Snoring may cause your partner to roll over or push you into another position, but it will never stop you from breathing.Sleep apnea has significant consequences such as:

  • daytime fatigue
  • reduced functioning
  • restlessness
  • and more

If you suspect that your sleep apnea is getting worse, it’s essential to speak with your doctor.

The Most Common Form of Sleep Apnea

OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) is the most common form of sleep apnea. It’s usually caused by a physical problem in your throat or mouth that causes it to block your airway when you sleep. OSA can be treated in different ways, depending on the severity.Contact UsSleep apnea can be a great source of frustration and cause a variety of health issues. Dr. Firouzi at the Center for Exceptional Dentistry specializes in sleep apnea, making his office an excellent resource for those who need help. Visit our contact page here or call (412) 274-1126 today for more information.